
Lilholt Technology Solutions is an internationally diversified industry leader in the software development and technology sector which specializes in mobile-first design practices. Lilholt Technology Solutions LLC is a private company and has been in business since 2010. Pierce Alexander Lilholt has been at the helm of LTS since the company’s founding. Based out of Riverton, New Jersey, Lilholt Technology Solutions LLC is a Delaware corporation with extensive experience in international operations.

Lilholt Technology Solutions LLC is different from the competition, because LTS operates in strict accordance with ‘The Three T’s’ of operations. Operating by the standards of Truth, Trust, and Transparency, Lilholt Technology Solutions sets itself apart from competitors who attempt to use technical jargon, coding, and expert-level industry specific language to exploit and hold clients hostage. Lilholt Technology Solutions believes in developing mutual company-client understandings in order to provide the highest level of service that everyone can understand. Lilholt Technology Solutions’ core values of honesty and integrity provide for mutually-assured excellence. Lilholt Technology Solutions wants to understand your vision, and we want you to understand how we can make that vision a reality. Only together can we understand and define excellence.